[bksvol-discuss] Re: Scanning books--take heart, Patti

  • From: "Patti Johnson" <razz@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <bksvol-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 30 Dec 2004 19:19:10 -0500

Hi Cindy, I have scanned a few books for myself, those that I know I wanted to read myself, but always felt somebody could do a better job. But, since I'm all I've got, grin, I'd best get off my duff and give it a try. What's the worse that could happen? Nobody would be able to read my book, smile!

Dear Lord, help me to become the kind of person that my dog thinks I am.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Cindy" <popularplace@xxxxxxxxx>
To: <bksvol-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2004 7:14 PM
Subject: [bksvol-discuss] Scanning books--take heart, Patti


True, it's time-consuming. But if you scan books you
are interested and want to read yourself, then it's
fun. After you scan (which is what bores me --some
people, I gather, have a scanner that reads the book
to them while they scan, but that's not me), you can
either just check the paginatin to be sure you didn't
omit any pages and eliminate junk characters,if you
can, *or* -- you can read the book as you would for
yourself and make corrections as you go along. The
latter is what I did when I scanned (now I just
validated except for providing missing pages
occasionally). There is no time limit, and I think
you'll enjoy re-reading favorite children's books, if
that's what you want to scan, or other books. I
enjoyed revisiting Goodnight, Moon and Amelia Bedelia.
It reminded me of when my children were young. I'd
love to do some of my old favorites but the books are
very old (if anyone wants to scan The Adventures of a
Brownie I'd be happy to validate it).

--- Patti Johnson <razz@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Thanks for the scanning tips, Shelly and Cindy,
believe me, I can use all I
can get.  I do not have any one here that will help
me with the scann, by
telling me where pictures are in the book.  I wish I
did but I don't know
anybody that would spend that kind of time with me,
I get a friend to go
through mail for me on the way somewhere, but as far
as spending a lot of
time doing something like this I don't think she
would be willing to do
that.  So I will just scan and see what happens, I
guess, and fix things I
can fix but my goodness, that seems so time
consuming, to sit with the book
while scanning or after to go through it again.  I
have the time to do it, I
just wonder if I have the patience!!  You all are
truly remarkable, doing
this work, I just need to get in there and stop
feeling so inadequate!

Dear Lord, help me to become the kind of person that
my dog thinks I am.

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