[procps] Procps 3.3.9 Released

  • From: Craig Small <csmall-procps@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Procps-ng Mail list <procps@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2013 22:35:28 +1100

Procps version 3.3.9 was released today. Either find it on our git
repository or at sourceforge at

The following changes were made to procps:
  * kernel namespaces support added to skill, pgrep, ps and top
  * pidof was reimplemented from scratch (replacing sysvinit pidof)
  * ps has configurable libselinux support (--enable-libselinux)
  * ps provides for display of systemd slice unit (--with-systemd)
  * free can once again report non-zero 'shared' memory
  * sysctl provides '--system' to ignore missing /etc/sysctl.conf
  * watch interval capacity was increased - debian #720445
  * pwdx no longer fails in a nonexistent locale - debian #718766
  * top clarified summary area Mem/Swap stats - debian #718670
  * top batch mode -w (width) abend fixed - debian #721204
  * top man page removed 'Bd/Ed' mdoc macros - debian #725713
  * top no longer clears screen at exit - redhat #977561
  * top adapted to potential libnuma stderr message - redhat #998678
  * top added missing batch mode newline - redhat #1008674

Craig Small (@smallsees)   http://enc.com.au/       csmall at : enc.com.au
Debian GNU/Linux           http://www.debian.org/   csmall at : debian.org
GPG fingerprint:        5D2F B320 B825 D939 04D2  0519 3938 F96B DF50 FEA5

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Description: Digital signature

Other related posts:

  • » [procps] Procps 3.3.9 Released - Craig Small