wio above 20% - is that high?

  • From: susan lam <susanzlam@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 2 Dec 2004 05:31:49 -0800 (PST)

Is the wio below considered too high? One of the folks
here thinks that as long as there are ample CPU %idle,
it's fine. I think that wio is fine if it remains in
the single digit or spikes occasionally but not
prolong over a long period of time which in my case -
over 20mins. Also, I think because of the
high wio, the %usr remains low. 

Any thoughts?



16:28:06    %usr    %sys    %wio   %idle
16:28:10       3       3      22      71
16:28:14       2       2      15      80
16:28:18       2       3      15      80
16:28:22       3       4      20      73
16:28:26       2       4      17      77
16:28:30       3       4      22      71
16:28:34       2       3      17      78
16:28:38       2       3      20      75
16:28:42       4      22      14      60
16:28:46       1      26      11      61
16:28:50       2      28      17      52
16:28:54       4      24      18      54
16:28:58       3      26      22      48
16:29:02      15      10      24      51
16:29:06      12       6      24      60
16:29:10      11       4      18      67
16:29:14       3       4      22      71
16:29:18       2       4      19      75
16:29:22       2       3      17      78
16:29:26       4       6      21      70
16:29:30       2       4      17      76
16:29:34       2       3      18      77
16:29:38       3       4      11      82
16:29:42       2       2      18      79
16:29:46       2       3      17      78
16:29:50       2       3      22      74
16:29:54       3       4      20      74
16:29:58       2       4      16      78
16:30:02       4       5      20      72
16:30:06       2       2      15      80
16:30:10       2       3      13      83
16:30:14       4       4      22      70
16:30:18       3       4      22      71
16:30:22       1       2      12      84
16:30:26       3       4      20      73
16:30:30       2       4      24      70
16:30:34       2       4      15      79
16:30:38       2       3      12      83
16:30:42       2       3      11      84
16:30:46       1       2      16      82
16:30:50       3       5      22      71

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