RE: tuning queries against sys views?

  • From: "Uzzell, Stephan" <SUzzell@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "'Taylor, Chris David'" <ChrisDavid.Taylor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "'knecht.stefan@xxxxxxxxx'" <knecht.stefan@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 3 Dec 2010 10:44:59 -0500

And one last thought on this:

Buried deep in note Slow Performance Exhibited by Oracle ODBC Against 10.2 
Oracle Database [ID 373129.1] there is a section that describes the rule hint 
in ALL_TAB_COLUMNS and says to manually resolve this problem by recreating this 
view as SYS on the database without the rule hint.

Seems to be bug 5304167, and if I can read the history on it, it seems to be 
fixed in 11.1. I don't have an 11.1 or higher instance to test against - be 
curious if anyone can verify this.

In the meanwhile, for anyone else that has slow queries against any of the 
following views

You may be hitting this same bug.

Thanks, all

From: Uzzell, Stephan
Sent: Thursday, 02 December, 2010 11:49
To: 'Taylor, Chris David'; 'knecht.stefan@xxxxxxxxx'
Cc: 'oracle-l-freelists'
Subject: RE: tuning queries against sys views?

Stefan, Chris,

Awesome, thanks!

There is indeed a RULE hint in ALL_TAB_COLUMNS. I created a new version of that 
view without the hint (in its own schema) and it works great!

Thanks to everyone who helped out... you guys rock.


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