Re: tune between query/join

  • From: Kellyn Pot'vin <kellyn.potvin@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "oratune@xxxxxxxxx" <oratune@xxxxxxxxx>, "ax.mount@xxxxxxxxx" <ax.mount@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2011 10:42:15 -0700 (PDT)

Here's a funny question...
Is there a third table you can use to join the two table with and stop the 
cartesian join?  
If you aren't aware of one, have you taken the time to inspect the tables and 
columns in the database to see if one exists?  How often one can solve a 
cartesian problem by simply doing a quick search via dba_tab_columns and 
discovering objects that many who thought they knew all in the database, sadly, 
were not aware of... :)

I know, I always good for the silly questions...LOL
Kellyn Pot'Vin
Sr. Database Administrator and Developer

From: David Fitzjarrell <oratune@xxxxxxxxx>
To: "ax.mount@xxxxxxxxx" <ax.mount@xxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Oracle-L Group <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, October 21, 2011 9:41 AM
Subject: Re: tune between query/join

How can you even hope to relate what's in tmp_account with the data in account 
and make any sense of it?  I  hate to say this but if this is  how  he models 
processes you are much better off with him gone.  It appears  you need someone 
who can actually create a usable  process model and schema and start this 
process over.  We are in the midst of a major data  migration where I am 
employed but our process model makes sense and correctly maps data from one 
system to another
because the proper relationships exist.

I can't see how you can undertake this migration when the schema is absent the 
necessary relations.

David Fitzjarrell

From: amonte <ax.mount@xxxxxxxxx>
To: David Fitzjarrell <oratune@xxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Oracle-L Group <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, October 21, 2011 7:09 AM
Subject: Re: tune between query/join

unfortunatey there arent any common columns, this is a pity really
this is a data migration process and the guy who modelled this left the
company :-(

and yes, it reads million of rows even the entire tables are cached, I dont
think this would work even with exadata

let me get some test data...

2011/10/21 David Fitzjarrell <oratune@xxxxxxxxx>

> That would be a merge join cartesian, not what you want, really as it
> returs 1,200,000,000,000 rows with at most 8,000,000 rows of actually
> useful results (the result set should be somewhere between 1 and 8,000,000
> depending upon how many rows in account match rows in tmp_account).  There
> must be some common column between the two tables to effect a proper join.
> If not then this query is useless and is simply consuming resources better
> used for more productive queries.
> Please provide create table statements for both tables and some sample
> data.
> David Fitzjarrell
>  *From:* amonte <ax.mount@xxxxxxxxx>
> *To:* Oracle-L Group <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> *Sent:* Thursday, October 20, 2011 10:41 PM
> *Subject:* tune between query/join
> Hello everyone
> I am running a query which looks like following (running in
> select a.account_number,, b.*
>  from account a, tmp_account b
> where b.amount between a.lowest_amount and a.highest_amount
> account has 8000000 rows and tmp_account 150000, the execution plan shows
> merge sort join as expected, this query takes around 5 hours to run, is
> there anyway to improve this?
> Alex
> --
> //



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