star transformation

  • From: LS Cheng <exriscer@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Oracle Mailinglist <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2010 22:47:18 +0200

Hi all

Having some tough time to find out why star transformation is not happening
in a DWH.

Running in Linux x86_64. Fact tables have proper bitmap indexes
on the FK (rely disabled novalidate) against the dimensions. I have 10053
some queries and noticed this:

ST: Trying star transformation on SEL$1 (#1)
ST:     Query Block Text for building subqueries :
Query here............. (select ..... sum() from FACT1 F, DIM1, DIM2, DIM3,
DIM4 .... group by)
ST:     Access path not generated for FACT1  Alias: F
ST: ST not done on SEL$1 (#1)

I have checked Star Transformation restrictions and the query is good enough
to satisfy all conditions.

Any one come across with these 10053 messages?



Other related posts:

  • » star transformation - LS Cheng