Re: sql question

  • From: Rumpi Gravenstein <rgravens@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: jack@xxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 16 Apr 2009 21:32:11 -0400

Jack provide the following suggestion if one knows that there can never be
more than 2

<snip> select hts_code, substr(hts_desc,1,instr(hts_desc,'&','1')-2) fromhts
 union all
select hts_code, substr(hts_desc,instr(hts_desc,'&','1')+2) from hts

If you are going to parse, the Oracle regular expression functions should be
used  For instance the following function

REGEXP_SUBSTR( hts_desc, '[^&]+',1,1 ) parses everything in the string up to
the first ampersand while


REGEXP_SUBSTR( hts_desc, '[^&]+',1,2 ) parses from the first ampersand on to
the second one


SELECT '{'||regexp_substr('6109.10.0027 & 6205.20.2061','[^&]+',1,1 )||'}'
       '{'||regexp_substr('6109.10.0027 & 6205.20.2061','[^&]+',1,2 )||'}'
from dual;

PARSE1          PARSE2
--------------- ---------------
{6109.10.0027 } { 6205.20.2061}

Rumpi Gravenstein

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