Re: shared server configuration

  • From: Maureen English <maureen.english@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2010 13:18:07 -0800

*click* lightbulb just went on...a session is always a session....

That number I pulled out of my hat (5000) was what I'd equate to 'students
trying to register'.  The application they're connecting through will be
set to have a maximum of 2000 httpd processes connecting to the database.
Those will be the shared server connections....

If I were to have 200 shared servers started, and each one could accommodate
10 of those httpd connections, it's possible that we'd still have 2000+
sessions, but they will be sharing the OS processes, thus using less memory
and eliminating the problem with swapping.

Yes, I know that's an oversimplification, but now I see why I probably need
to increase the sessions parameter...and can likely decrease the number of
processes (if we ever get close to 2000 OS processes, we'd start swapping
again!).  We can also probably decrease the number of dispatchers...not sure
when that number (8) was decided upon....  I'll likely leave 
unset for now.  We only have this problem twice a year for less than an hour
each time...and it's in the middle of the night when most of the employees
are asleep!

Thanks for all the input!

- Maureen

Goulet, Richard wrote:

I'm on Linux with Oracle  Max sessions per dispatcher
is 972 (lsnrctl services will tell you).  Now you say your expecting
5000 sessions max.  So the dispatchers parameter should be set to
ceil(5000/(972*.075)) or 69 dispatchers in my case which would cause me
to visit the application designers since their connection pool probably
isn't that large.

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