RE: quote a few reasons to downgrade a database release

  • From: "Michael Fontana" <MFontana@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <vikramsingh120@xxxxxxxxx>, <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 1 May 2006 15:53:35 -0400

Just the other day, we almost had to fallback to 9iR2 from 10gR2.  A graphical 
interface, written in the Coldfusion language, did not support 10g.  Our 
developer found a workaround at the last minute.  This is something that did 
not come up during testing.
Lesson:  Make sure your test plan is thorough...check with all vendors 
(including peripheral products) to assure their software is compatible. 
Michael Fontana
Senior Database Administrator

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