newbee - jdbc

  • From: "Mathias Diehl" <md@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Oracle-L@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 16:40:32 +0100

Hi List,

soryy for the dumb question...

I'm *very* new to oracle and tried to setup a java app using jdbc on a second 

I get the error:
Check that the Jdbc drivers are included in your class path. 
Error loading JDBC driver: "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver

Now I googled around and found that I have to add the jdbc to my classpat.

Please advise if I have to modify my classpath on oracle server AND client and 
how to do so (classpath of root? oracle? or tomcat?)

Or mybe can someone point me to a nice example....

thanx in advance

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