Re: missing file at oracle RAC installation

  • From: Karl Arao <karlarao@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: m_etrib@xxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 25 Nov 2010 22:30:26 +0800

Check the following notes

*Configuring raw devices (multipath) for Oracle Clusterware 10g Release 2
(10.2.0) on RHEL5/OEL5 [ID 564580.1]*
*Linux OS Service 'rawdevices' [ID 551706.1]*

"Deprecation of Support for Raw Devices
In versions prior to EL5, applications such as Oracle, could access
unstructured data on block devices by binding to them via character raw
devices, such as /dev/raw/raw1 using the raw(8) command. Persistent device
assignments could be configured using the /etc/sysconfig/rawdevices file in
conjunction with the rawdevices service.

Support for raw devices was initially deprecated in the Linux 2.6 kernel
(EL5 < U4) in favour of directio (O_DIRECT) access, however was later
undeprecated from EL5 U4 (initscripts-8.45.30-2).

For details of the deprecation and undeprecation of support for rawio, refer
to Linux kernel/version documentation including:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4/5 Release notes
Both the /etc/sysconfig/rawdevices file (EL4) and
/etc/udev/rules.d/60-raw.rules file (EL5) similarly discuss deprecation of

Karl Arao

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