listener for external procedure

  • From: "David Boyd" <davidb158@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2004 11:52:16 -0500

Hi List,

I posted a message on this topic a few days ago. I did not receive any reply due to my e-mail system issue. So I post it again.

We would like to use InterMedia searching text content against a clob field. In order to create domain index for InterMedia, we have to configure listener for external procedure. But our system administrator says that it will open a security hole if we do this. Currentely we are running Oracle 8.1.7. Does any one know if this issue has been fixed in 8.1.7? Is there other way to do text searching instead of InterMedia?

Thanks in advance for any inputs or forwarding previous replies.

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