Re: invalid views

  • From: Hemant K Chitale <hemantkchitale@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: tim@xxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 25 Nov 2010 07:43:55 +0800

"older jdbc thin drivers will not perform the automagic compile"  ?
I thought that compilation was always done by the server process ; the
client can only submit parse calls for a SQL statement  ?

Hemant K Chitale
sent from my smartphone

On Nov 25, 2010 3:55 AM, "Tim Gorman" <tim@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

 Invalidated views don't affect the execution plan, because parsing stops at
the invalidated object.  If you are using one of the Oracle OCI drivers,
then your session will automagically attempt to recompile the invalidated
object transparently, then proceed with the parse operation.  Some of the
older, less-capable JDBC "thin" drivers will not perform the automagic
recompile and will just return an error message.

Here is a simple test to run in SQL*Plus to illustrate...

create table xxxt (n1 number);
insert into xxxt values (1);
insert into xxxt values (2);
create view xxxv as select * from xxxt;
select * from xxxt;
select * from xxxv;
alter table xxxt add (n2 number);
select status from user_objects where object_name = 'XXXV';
select * from xxxv;
select status from user_objects where object_name = 'XXXV';

Hope this helps...

Tim Gorman
consultant -> Evergreen Database Technologies, Inc.
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On 11/24/2010 12:42 PM, Zelli, Brian wrote:
> So for some reason, one of our applications invali...
-- //

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