Re: emdwgrd error on cloned database

  • From: Niall Litchfield <niall.litchfield@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: peter.schauss@xxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 4 Nov 2010 19:07:11 +0000

If its dbconsole then it would likely be better to reinstall. There's a
metalink note on this.

On 4 Nov 2010 18:54, "Schauss, Peter (IT Solutions)" <peter.schauss@xxxxxxx>

I am doing a dry run on an upgrade from to on AIX 5.3.
Since I do not have the luxury of a separate server for testing, I
installed in a new ORACLE_HOME on the production server.  I
cloned the production database from a cold backup plus the output from
"backup controlfile to trace".  Right now I have the clone running under

Running dbua against the clone gave me a warning that I needed to backup
the Enterprise Manager repository, so following the instructions in the
manual I ran

emdwgrd -save -sid <clone sid> -path <save_directory>

I got the following error:

Thu Nov  4 13:39:49 2010 - Verify EM DB Control files ... cannot find ... failed
Error:  DB Control location not found.

I gather that I somehow need to clone some files or data structures to
make Enterprise Manager work with the cloned sid, but I have not been
able to find any documentation for this on Oracle Support.  Any

Peter Schauss

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