Re: delete obsolete for archivelogs

  • From: Don Seiler <don@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: hostetter.jay@xxxxxxxxx, "oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2010 15:27:23 -0500

Crosscheck is used to see what files are expired (ie missing), not
what is obsolete.


On 6/29/10, Jay Hostetter <hostetter.jay@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> A backup occurs each night.  The relevant part of the script is below.
> Report obsolete does not list my archivelogs, even after crosschecking
> backups and archivelogs.
> I've logged an SR.
> Thank you,
> Jay
> allocate channel ch1 type disk format
> 'H:\Oracle_Backups\%d\full_s%s_p%p_t%t.bck';
> backup
>  as compressed backupset
>  check logical database
>  filesperset 4
>  tag='daily_full_backup';
> allocate channel ch2 type disk format
> 'H:\Oracle_Backups\%d\arc_s%s_p%p_t%t.bck';
> #
> backup
>   as compressed backupset
>   tag='daily_arch_backup'
>   archivelog all channel ch2;
> On Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 1:20 PM, Niall Litchfield <
> niall.litchfield@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> How many database backups do you have? I'd read your policy as obsoleting
>> archive logs no longer required for your oldest level 0 backup. That is I
>> expect having 2 backups of the db more recent than the oldest log would do
>> the trick. The RMAN command report obsolete should help.
>> Niall Litchfield

Don Seiler

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