Re: awrsqlrpt

  • From: Karl Arao <karlarao@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: niall.litchfield@xxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 6 Jan 2010 09:25:43 +0800

Hi Niall,

Aside from running the awrsqlrpt. For this I would be using SQLTXPLAIN for
the two SQL statements and use the "compare" facility.

*Database Community: SQLTXPLAIN 2: Comparing Two Explain Plans using the
SQLTXPLAIN COMPARE method [ID 953964.1]*
*The output is very comprehensive and you'll see the highlighted parts in
red as the differences. From there you can do drill down on the CBO,
objects, configuration, and others.. *
*- Karl Arao*
* *
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