anyone with html db experience?

  • From: Pat Hildebrand <pat@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 13 May 2004 20:05:59 -0400

The mention on this list of html db as the replacement for WebDB, was
very timely for us. It came just as we were coming close to solving
all the problems of getting Portal (v2) to work so that we could test
using the undocumented Portal reports for the reports, in a pl/sql web
application that had been developed in 8i on solaris, which had been
written using WebDB. This application is now moving to 9iR2 on Linux
(I know that it is Red Hat but not the version although - since
supported I would think enterprise).

Here is the situation. I was assigned the task of determining if we
could in fact use html db for our reports. I do not have all of the
access that I need to actually move a report to our test environment
since it is not yet ready. One of the sys admins has set up a
non-secure (http) html db on a small workstation for me to
investigate. Since the application uses https and interacts with other
Oracle instances, what Iim trying to do will be a show stopper if I
don't get it figured out because what we need is more complicated.

The WebDB reports have two pages: one for the parameters and one for
the report itself. The reports are sql queries with bind variables
passed in from the parameters page. I'm trying to use two pages to
have two paramenters (from select lists) passed from one page to
another where the report is a sql query using bind parameters.

I have been able to set up the page for the parameters and the query
that I'm using returns data when run from the SQL command processor
with the values that I'm trying to select hard coded. However, if I
try to run the application it comes back with "no data found". I'm
guessing that I'm failing to get the parameters to the query.

I have looked at Oracle's how to pages, the 10g documentation for html
db, the sample applications, the source for the generated parameter
page, tried google, and even just trying things without being sure
that they should make any changes that I could see. The obvious (to
me) things that I have tried are the item names for the names of the
bind variables and the names in the html tags (from viewing source)
without any luck.

This may just be a case of my looking at something and not seeing it
but I'm running up against the go/no go deadline so I don't really
have time to go off on something else long enough that coming back is
really a fresh start. Therefore, could someone either point me to
where I can find how to get the parameters into the bind variables or
tell me how to do it?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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