anyone deployed 10gR2 grid control agent on 11gR2 target?

  • From: Li Li <litanli@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: oracle-l <Oracle-L@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2010 15:14:25 -0600

Hi, List,

Lately I installed a agent on an RAC cluster, all
discovered targets showed up fine in grid control except the ASM
instances, which showed up as "unknown" in grid control. Looking at
the agent.trc file, I found this:

SQL = "

2010-12-15 14:46:33,208 Thread-1106266432 ERROR vpxoci: ORA-01017:
invalid username/password; logon denied

However, I made sure the username/password are valid and I didn't fat
fingered it. I was able to use the same username/password to do a
bequeath connection to the ASM instance just fine.

I opened a case with oracle support and no surprise I haven't got much
help so I figured I'd turn to you guys for help! :) Any suggestion
would be greatly appreciated!


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