Re: Yosemite

  • From: "Jared Still" <jkstill@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: charlottejanehammond@xxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 5 May 2006 09:52:55 -0700

RMAN is just plain easy to use.

The only problem I've ever had with it is communication
with 3rd party backup libraries (Veritas) and that was just
a matter of syntax.

All third party tools do is use/generate an RMAN script,
and run it on the server.

As Ruth G said, it is also mature and just works.

Why add more complexity to it?


On 4/26/06, Charlotte Hammond <charlottejanehammond@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Well, that's a good point.  I don't think it's
anything to do with RMAN - he doesn't even know what
RMAN is.  It's more "this costs extra money so it must
be better that what you get bundled with the
database".  Rather than just saying "no it isn't" I
wanted to respond with "no it isn't because....[insert
some knowledge of product]" (or even agree "yes it is"
if I could be persuaded, I'm not averse to tools that
make my life easier, but that isn't happening at the


> Hello,

> What is your boss problem with Rman ?

> B. Polarski > The world of smenu is at http://

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Jared Still
Certifiable Oracle DBA and Part Time Perl Evangelist

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