RE: Unix script to check database status

  • From: Kevin Lange <klange@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "'oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx'" <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2004 16:04:32 -0600

Why not simply write a query that gets ran by OS that selects the status and
logins from v$instance.  You should be able to parse that simple enough.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jacques Kilchoer [mailto:Jacques.Kilchoer@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2004 2:29 PM
To: oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: Unix script to check database status

If you try a bogus userid/password and use the ORA-1017 as "proof" that the
database is up, you wouldn't know if the database is in restricted session
mode. (Something that has burned me before.) I personally think the best way
for verifying that the database is up is to create a session (create a
userid that only has "create session" privilege and use that for

> -----Original Message-----
> testa@xxxxxxxxxx
> Mike, make your script attempt to login into the database(even with a
> bogus userid/password),
> you get a ORA-1017 invalid userid/password, you know the 
> database is up
> and you got a connection to it.
> Joe
> > I have to write an HP-UX Korn shell script to check the status of 20
> > databases - up or down - and send an email if any are down. I'm a
> > relative newbie at Unix. I'm not asking anyone to "do it 
> for me", but
> > does anyone know of any scripts to check database status by 
> greping or
> > otherwise looking at the oratab or other file and checking 
> the status?
> >
> > Mike
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