Re: Unix Command

  • From: Mladen Gogala <gogala@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: sperry@xxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 23:13:45 -0400

On 04/20/2006 10:44:12 PM, Steve Perry wrote:
> Somebody else mentioned the same thing with 9i, AIX on EMC Symmetrix.
> She dropped a tablespace and datafiles. It took 12 hours  or more  
> before they could reuse it.
> i'd love to know if this is an oracle issue or OS.
> Right now it's just finger pointing.

It's always an OS issue. There is a little beast called inode and that beast 
to the map of so called data blocks. The number of inodes is fixed and 
determined at
file system creation time. When you delete a file, there are several things 
that have 
to happen: 
1) All data blocks pointed to by the inode (file=inode) have to be declared free
   and added to the map of free data blocks (typically a bitmap, pointed to by 
2) Bitmap of free blocks (this is a real bitmap: 1 if the block is free, 0 if 
in use, 1
   bit per FS block) has to be updated appropriately.
3) FS statistics in the superblock(s) must be updated.
4) inode has to be cleaned and declared free (another bitmap in the superblock).
5) All that information must be flushed from the core and written to the disks, 
in various
   forms (journalling FS protects transactions on inodes, which means that 
"file headers" or 
   inodes will be consistent, even if your system crashes in the middle of the 
event and that
   you will not have the privilege to run fsck and possibly, just possibly, 
lose files)
6) File name has to be removed from the directory.

The problem here is that if any process has the inode marked as "in use", the 
OS will only remove
the file name from the directory, but will not perform any of the 
inode/superblock operations. Your
"free space" comes from the FS statistics within superblock. So, your OS thinks 
that the inode is
in use. If fuser or lsof disagree, then your OS is plain wrong. There used to 
be a trick to do it
on XFS on SGI Irix 5.2, the trick was to run fsck -r on the underlying device 
while the OS was mounted. This was possible, of course, only as a root user. 
This was unsupported trick that made
SGI support scream. This command, fsck -r, runs interactively and asks you to 
fix any problems 
that it finds. It will find many while the system is running. DO NOT FIX any of 
those unless it
is about free blocks not being properly marked. You can ruin and corrupt your 
FS if you don't know what you're doing. I suspect that IBM support will also 
scream if you mention to them what I just
described you. 
Another way of doing that is marking the inode as free with kernel debugger and 
running "sync" few times. These are all operations ideally suited for a 
beginner, good
for practicing after reading "Teach Yourself Unix in 24 hours".

Mladen Gogala


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