Re: Transportable Tablespace, SCNs and ORA-1555s.

  • From: Daniel Fink <Daniel.Fink@xxxxxxx>
  • To: oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2004 15:49:34 -0700

Why not?

When I set the ts to read only, the ITL entry still indicates an
uncommitted transaction.


Richard Ji wrote:

> I don't think 2) will succeed.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Daniel Fink [mailto:Daniel.Fink@xxxxxxx]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2004 5:38 PM
> To: oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Transportable Tablespace, SCNs and ORA-1555s.
> This is not in response to an actual problem, it is just the
> result of a brain that goes off on tangents way to often...
> How does a transaction know NOT to build a consistent version of
> data that has been transported?
> Sequence of events
> 1) Insert records into table1. A Commit SCN of 100000 is
> assigned. Due to the size of the insert, there are blocks in the
> table that still have an Uncommitted state.
> 2) Alter tablespace1 (containing table1) to read only and
> transport it to database2.
> 3) Start a query in database2 (with an SCN of 1000) that
> accesses the newly transported table1.
> Will the query get a 1555?
> Yes - It cannot create a read consistent view to SCN 1000
> No - It knows that this data came from another database, so it
> does not attempt to build a read-consistent version
> Thoughts on which is correct? I know, I a damn
> testcase and see for myself. I'm working on it, but I wanted to
> see what you all thought first.
> Daniel
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