RE: Strange (?) behaviour with SYSTIMESTAMP

  • From: "Dunbar, Norman (Capgemini)" <norman.dunbar.capgemini@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <stbaldwin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2010 11:51:01 +0100

Hi Steve,

>>      As you can see, setting my session time zone makes no 
>> difference to the value returned by SYSTIMESTAMP

SYSDATE and SYSTIMESTAMP are defined to return the DATE/Time from the
server that the database resides on and not the time on the client
desktop or similar. Hence, regardless of how you set the SESSION time
zone, SYSTIMESTAMP will always give you back the server time complete
with time zone.

>> but makes a 
>> considerable difference to any arithmetic performed using 

SYSDATE has no time zone information. SYSTIMESTAMP does - you are not
really calculating with similar data types, so one or other will get
converted. In your case, SYSDATE is cast to a TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE
to match the SYSTIMESTAMP return value.

You can prove this as the results from these two queries is identical:

select systimestamp - (cast (sysdate as timestamp with time zone)) from
select systimestamp - sysdate from dual;

The interesting results you see when performing calculations are down to
the fact that SYSTIMESTAMP is giving you the server time in the servers
time zone while, unfortunately, SYSDATE is being cast into your SESSION
time zone, as follows:

SQL> select sessiontimezone from dual;


SQL> select systimestamp as TS,
  2  cast (sysdate as timestamp with time zone) as DT from dual;

TS                                DT
--------------------------------  -------------------------------- 
27-OCT-10 +01:00  27-OCT-10 +01:00

So far so good. Now if you change your session time zone and rerun the
above, the following results:

SQL> alter session set time_zone = '+05:00';

Session altered.

SQL> select systimestamp as TS,
  2  cast (sysdate as timestamp with time zone) as DT from dual;

TS                                DT
--------------------------------  --------------------------------
27-OCT-10 +01:00  27-OCT-10 +05:00

Major problem, and possibly a bug - I just can't quite work it out yet!

If you try casting both to TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE a similar
problem occurs:

SQL> select cast (systimestamp as timestamp with local time zone) as TS,
  2  cast (sysdate as timestamp with local time zone) as DT
  3  from dual;

TS                         DT
-------------------------  -------------------------
27-OCT-10  27-OCT-10

But the same problem exists. just the other way around. SYSTIMESTAMP is
cast into the server time plus your session time zone adjustment - which
actually makes sense given that that is exactly what we requested, while
SYSDATE remains at the current (server) date in the servers Time zone.

I would say that this sort of date arithmetic is probably best avoided!

Sorry to introduce more problems than solutions!


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