Re: SQLPLUS training, why?

  • From: Stephane Faroult <sfaroult@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 23 Dec 2010 08:45:09 +0100


  I've read the answers of Stefan and Gus, I can only subscribe to what
they said (especially speed - I'm currently doing an "Oracle DBA Lite"
series on Youtube, being rather despaired by the toy that is provided to
administer Oracle Express that Oracle presents as a good training
product for wannabe DBAs - I've tried to use the web-based SQL tool,
output is nice but the slowness of the interface is perceptible).

I would like to add a few things that are also big pluses in my view:

- Double-action SQL. With SQL*Plus formatting, it's very easy to
generate a "ready-to-run" script; it's often much more efficient than
convoluted PL/SQL (especially as DDL, which as a DBA you use a lot,
requires EXECUTE IMMEDIATE). There are tons of administrative tasks that
benefit from these techniques.

- Scripts. If you are not using a scripting language such as Perl or
Python that can directly access Oracle but plain ksh (once again,
something you can expect to find on all *nixes), embedding SQL*Plus
calls is easy and let you do tons of things. There has been a thread on
DG recently, if you want to script operations such as switching to the
secondary database etc. (and I am strongly in favor of scripting tasks
that aren't obvious, that you don't do often and that you may have to
perform anytime under pressure), those require a number of queries.

Stephane Faroult
RoughSea Ltd <>
Konagora <>
RoughSea Channel on Youtube <>

On 12/23/2010 04:09 AM, Aragon, Gabriel (GE, Corporate, consultant) wrote:
> Hi list,
> I have been asked to give a sqlplus training to some junior and
> junior+ DBA's, since Im expecting the first question to be:
> "I know how to run most common DML/DDL/etc commands so, why do I need
> to take a sqlplus training to format output or generate reports when
> there is a lot of tools which can help me to access database w/o using
> manual input?"
> and I have thought some answers like:
> 1. Im sure nobody is exploding all features available in SQLPLUS.
> 2. What would you do if you have to work in a company which is not
> able to pay for nice tools?
> 3. Knowledge on SQLPLUS would help you to get a better understanding
> of oracle database.
> and so on..
> but I would like to hear some feedback from you guys, why a sqlplus
> training is important?
> Gabriel

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