Rman "Duplicate target" Using TDPO

  • From: "MacGregor, Ian A." <ian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Oracle-L Freelists <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 3 Mar 2011 15:35:45 -0800

The password for TDPO  can be stored  using the old method which produced a 
file named  something like

TDPO.<node1>-rman.  To duplicate a database using RMAN backups to say  node2.   
You have to copy the password file,
TDPO.<node1>-rman, to node2.   This works well.

However, TDPO has "new" method of storing a password which is written to a file 
called TSM.PWD.   The people who are responsible for Tivoli are happy with this 
new method,  because they  do not need to change the password manually.  It 
will be machine-generated periodically.

The problem is that you cannot simply copy  the file from one server to 
another.  You can name it differently, but the  problem , at least my best 
guess at it, is that the new method of storing the password includes the name 
of the node on which the fie was created.

The old  method of storing passwords still works, but again is not liked by our 
storage group.   We are doing more and more duplications.   Has anyone figured 
out how to use the TSM.PWD  style password file with  the rman duplicate target 

Ian MacGregor
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory--

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