RE: Reporting and Data Analysis Tools

  • From: "Rich Jesse" <rjoralist@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 8 Jul 2009 09:53:28 -0500 (CDT)

The biggest problem I had with BO (ahem!) was in it's concept of a
"universe" -- an ERD of sorts to the underlying DB tables that was used to
generate SQL.

Or perhaps it was the one particular implementation of it, which was running
directly against the OLTP/Hybrid DB that was never close to either 1NF nor a
DM/DW setup, which made the relationships between multiple tables anything
but relational.  And the DBA (moi) was never involved in the decision or
implementation -- until there were major performance problems stemming from
design flaws in the universe.  The SQL generated from most reports was
horrid and acted accordingly.

I think one can glean several problems with the above.  GL!


> The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania just plunged and bought a BO enterprise
> license for $9 million since we already use SAP for a lot of things.   It
> was a huge shock to everybody.  I don't think anybody in the state was
> thinking about it until the announcement was made. It makes it kind of hard
> for us to use anything else when the tools we want have to compete with
> "free."  So now we are in the process of trying to re-engineer everything
> toward a BO solution.
> Donald Freeman


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