Re: Problems uninstallin db

  • From: "Martin Bach" <development@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "Subodh Deshpande" <deshpande.subodh@xxxxxxxxx>,pnedeljkovich@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2011 17:45:24 +0100

Good afternoon

Doesn't dbca also look at the oratab? It certainly complains when you try 
creating a database and there is an entry in oratab without corresponding 
database. Try removing the entries from all oratabs and restart dbca. If all 
else fails, try turning on tracing (there is a mos note on this).


Martin Bach

Oracle Certified Master 10g

----- Reply message -----
From: "Subodh Deshpande" <deshpande.subodh@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, Mar 28, 2011 17:31
Subject: Problems uninstallin db
To: <pnedeljkovich@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

also check your environment variables it is pointing to which databse SID
and oracle home..and inventory locations as well..

On 28 March 2011 21:09, Peter Nedeljkovich <pnedeljkovich@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>wrote:

>  I’ve found myself going in a circle and am hoping that someone can show
> me the way.
> This is on Linux 4.8 64 bit. It’s a 2-node RAC using CRS 11.1 and 2 Oracle
> Homes, 10.2 and 11.1
> How do I remove a database entry from with DBCA? The database doesn’t exist
> but the entry is still displayed in DBCA. Is there some utility that I need
> to use?
> I’ve tried MOS and Google without any luck.
> Peter Nedeljkovich
> Georgian College
> 705.728.1968 ext 1217
> pnedeljkovich@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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