Re: Oracle-L going unmoderated

  • From: "M Rafiq" <rafiq9857@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2004 15:04:41 -0400


"The only moderation have been my sometimes vain attempts to keep the peace"

Thats what we want from you. You proved to be the best peace keeper of this 
list so far, atleast for 6 years in my own  experience. We all must insist 
you to be the 'peace keeper' without assuming any legal responsibility of 
this list.

All participant give you respect for this noble job and will give you full 
support in future, as well.

Best Regards

From: Jared Still <jkstill@xxxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
To: Oracle-L Freelists <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Oracle-L going unmoderated
Date: Sun, 29 Aug 2004 15:51:00 -0700

Just an addendum to this.

This list has never actually been moderated.  All posts
go through, which is legally the safe way to do it.

I do not, nor have I ever reviewed posts for this list.

The only moderation have been my sometimes vain
attempts to keep the peace.


On Sun, 2004-08-29 at 14:58, Jared Still wrote:
 > Dear List,
 > Effective immediately, there will be no moderation of the Oracle-L
 > list.
 > It has been pointed out to me that by being moderated, I become
 > personally responsible and legally liable for the content.
 > Oracle-L is valuable to me, but not that valuable.
 > If you have a problem with another poster, do not contact me, as
 > I will simply delete the email.
 > If you have problems posting, contact staff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
 > Jared
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