RE: Oracle license requirements for unused options

  • From: "Dunbar, Norman (Capgemini)" <norman.dunbar.capgemini@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "Goulet, Richard" <Richard.Goulet@xxxxxxxxxxx>, <Brandon.Allen@xxxxxxxxxxx>, <Jay.Miller@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 18 May 2011 15:00:10 +0100

Hi Richard,

>> In dba_feature_usage__stats which I read somewhere may not be exactly
>> correct, but now they know if you've ever used the feature never mind
>> currently using.  Tricky.

Well, the script I was supplied with by Oracle Licensing to run an
audit, and which will be used if Oracle ever audit you, uses it as

0                     ||',' ||
DBID                  ||',"'||
NAME                  ||'",'||
VERSION               ||',' ||
DETECTED_USAGES       ||',' ||
TOTAL_SAMPLES         ||',' ||
CURRENTLY_USED        ||',' ||
FIRST_USAGE_DATE      ||',' ||
LAST_USAGE_DATE       ||',' ||
AUX_COUNT             ||',' ||
''                    ||',' || -- skip FEATURE_INFO clob
LAST_SAMPLE_DATE      ||',' ||
SAMPLE_INTERVAL       ||',"'||
DESCRIPTION           ||'",'||
'&&HOST_NAME'         ||',' ||
'&&INSTANCE_NAME'     ||',' ||
SYSDATE               ||','

and also:

-- 10g DBA_FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS (10g and higher)
define OPTION_QUERY=10g
define OCOUNT=-942
col OCOUNT new_val OCOUNT noprint
select ltrim(rtrim(to_char(count(*)))) as OCOUNT

        NAME               ||'",'||
        VERSION            || ','||
        DETECTED_USAGES    || ','||
        TOTAL_SAMPLES      || ','||
        CURRENTLY_USED     || ','||
        FIRST_USAGE_DATE   || ','||
        LAST_USAGE_DATE    || ','||
        LAST_SAMPLE_DATE   || ','||
        SAMPLE_INTERVAL     ||','

        decode(&&OCOUNT., 0, 'count,', '"ORA-00942: table or view does
not exist",')
  from dual where &&OCOUNT. in (-942, 0);

The first one creates a csv file and the latter creates another one that
looks like it is "grepped" (by Oracle Egypt where the data are analysed)
- so, even if the view is "wobbly" it is still used by Oracle.


Norman Dunbar
Contract Senior Oracle DBA
Capgemini Database Team (EA)
Internal : 7 28 2051
External : 0113 231 2051

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