Re: Open Source and UNIX based alternative to "Crystal Reports" from SAP

  • From: "Rich Jesse" <rjoralist@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2010 10:08:28 -0500 (CDT)

Hey Sven,

> - should run on Solaris
> - should have CLI interface for automation (daily reports generated
> via cron job)
> - should be simple to use/learn
> - beautiful visualisations

Not OSS, but licensing for Oracle's web-based APEX is included with the
database (e.g. free to use with Oracle XE).  The reporting can be easy if
you have a license for BI Publisher, but I didn't think that the free XSLT
w/Apache FOP was too difficult.  Easier for me to figure out than OpenRpt



p.s.  Just looking at upgrading to APEX 4.0.  Fun!  :)


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