Re: OT Discussion- Priority of Performance Tuning...

  • From: Tim Gorman <tim@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: oracle@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2011 17:14:38 -0600

Tim's Corollary to Norm's Law:    Greater volumes of inefficient 
software are written every 18 months, thus intensifying Norm's Law and 
utterly drowning Moore's Law.

On 10/27/2011 12:47 AM, Norman Dunbar wrote:
> Morning all,
> On 26/10/11 22:36, Herring Dave - dherri wrote:
>> But if you don't throw more hardware at it, you'll hurt the hardware 
>> industry. :-)  I think it's all a secret deal between software and hardware 
>> COs.  Write bad code so there's a need for more powerful hardware.  Now with 
>> all this powerful hardware, we can run more bad code.
> Norm's Law: Software efficiency halves every 18 months thus compensating
> for Moore's Law.
> :-)
> Cheers,
> Norm.

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