• From: Stephen.Lee@xxxxxxxx
  • To: oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2004 15:06:05 -0600

For what it's worth (which isn't much), EDS recently made the decision that
trying to support all platforms was too expensive.  For their Unix server
platform, they went with Sun.  I haven't seen the reasons behind the
decision.  Heck!  Maybe it was just a bunch of bribe money and general
sucking up by Sun.

But we should remember and honor the Great McNealy for standing alone and
raising his middle finger to Microsoft.  That deserves at least a few
attaboy points.

> -----Original Message-----
> Does any body have any opinion about SUN vs AIX as to which 
> is a preferred
> platform in terms of ease of use, oracle support, hardware 
> maintenance and 
> support,
> bugs/patches/fixes,etc. Anything is appreciated.
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