ORA-1628 spewing into alert.log on

  • From: "Bobak, Mark" <Mark.Bobak@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: oracle-l-freelists <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2010 13:55:01 -0400

Anyone seen this before?  I'm running, 4-node RAC, on RHEL 5.3, x64-64.

I'm seeing continual spewing of the following line into my alert log:
ORA-1628: max # extents  32765 reached for rollback segment 

Many, many times per second.  This is happening only on one node.

I checked MetaLink, and there's a bug, but it's supposedly fixed in, 
and the sample queries they have to run do not seem to indicate this bug.

Anyone else seen this?



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