Re: ODP.NET - Weird Behaviour

  • From: Mladen Gogala <gogala@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Nagarajan.Subbiah@xxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2006 01:43:28 -0500

On 03/24/2006 03:01:15 PM, Subbiah, Nagarajan wrote:
> Hi List,
> We have a VB .NET application which is using Oracle ODP.NET 9.2 version for
> the connectivity to the database. If the application is placed under the any
> folder name ends with ')',  it crashes.

Raja, Oracle's network layer has a built in parser which checks the syntax of
the tnsnames.ora file. Such parsers are usually based on lex and yacc (or flex 
and bison in case of GPL-ed software) and one thing that they have to account 
are parenthesizes. My suspicion is that parenthesizes in the path name will 
confuse the parser which will read incorrect elements of the TNS descriptor and
prevent the network layer from finding the destination. May be you should put 
app in a directory with more standard name?
Mladen Gogala


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