Re: Multiple databases in a RAC

  • From: Guillermo Alan Bort <cicciuxdba@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: john.clarke@xxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2011 11:26:52 -0300

We use that set up for our dev environment. It's a two node cluster of the
latest blades and wee have 3 RAC databases plus several single instances
running on either node and it works. I'm not going to say it's a jumbo in
performance, but it works and it's fairly stable (a couple of the database
are pretty big too).
We are also planning on doing something similar for production, only with 3
or 4 nodes and have at most 2 databases per cluster. It's a matter of
carefully considering the load on each database, but for us it makes sense
as we have them all in single instance right now and doing this would give
us a greater availability while not sky rocketing the cost.

I'm not entirely sure about this, as I'm not a lawyer and it's been a couple
of years since last I read them, but if you have licensing to consider, then
for a cluster set up it's the same whether you run 1 database or 50, you are
paying for the processors. So having two different clusters would mean twice
the licenses.


On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 9:37 AM, John Clarke <john.clarke@xxxxxxxxxxxx>wrote:

> Multiple databases in a cluster is certainly supported, and something lots
> of companies do.  The decision of whether do proceed this way would depend
> on a number of factors (aggregate CPU requirements per database,
> interconnect chattiness per DB, maybe switch capabilities/capacities, how
> easy or hard it may be to provision storage for another set of clusterware,
> etc ...)
> - John
> From: "daniel.hubler@xxxxxxxxxx<mailto:daniel.hubler@xxxxxxxxxx>" <
> daniel.hubler@xxxxxxxxxx<mailto:daniel.hubler@xxxxxxxxxx>>
> Reply-To: "daniel.hubler@xxxxxxxxxx<mailto:daniel.hubler@xxxxxxxxxx>" <
> daniel.hubler@xxxxxxxxxx<mailto:daniel.hubler@xxxxxxxxxx>>
> Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2011 08:09:29 -0400
> To: "oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>" <
> oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>>
> Subject: Multiple databases in a RAC
> Oracle
> AIX 6.1
> Peoplesoft HCM + ELM
> We have an existing RAC + GRID cluster built to run Peoplesoft
> HCM.
> 2
> We have been asked to install another Peoplesoft module (ELM).
> My recommendation was to construct a 2nd cluster to support the 2nd module
> and its database.
> So........I would end up with 4 nodes (2 for the HCM cluster and 2 for the
> ELM cluster)
> and these clusters would be distinct.
> I am being asked if it is possible to install the new ELM product on the
> existing nodes.
> That is..........a 2-node RAC cluster with 2 distinct databases and 4
> instances.
> This is not making much sense to me.....I am not even sure if this is
> supported/feasible.
> Looking for ideas on this.
> Any input appreciated.
> Thanks.
> --
> //
> --
> //


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