RE: Monitoring software

  • From: "Dunbar, Norman" <norman.dunbar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2010 08:17:49 +0100

Morning all,

>> and I've worked with Nagios for ages and love it above all 
>> others, 

Like Alan, I used Nagios (version 2) in a past life. It was small and
efficient and because we run databases on a cluster, could follow a
database around the servers on the cluster - it logs in using
tnsnames.ora/Oracle Names aliases. The web interface means almost anyone
(with the correct privs) can access the stats and reports. Very nice.

I think it has progressed to V3 now and that there is a fork named
Icinga ( which is reportedly much better in the
performance stakes. I haven't tried it (yet!)

>> however I've often found it hard to implement in 
>> large companies (they don't like the idea of Open Source 
>> software doing a better job than the one they sell for millions)

Been there, suffered that! Open View from HP is the "monitor of choice".
It doesn't use database aliases and when a database fails over onto
another cluster node, OV can't follow it unless it was *manually* failed
over. I think this is a pretty intrusive monitoring tool - plus it needs
a whole slew of privileges and sets up the monitoring user in the
database with a password that it remarkably (a) hard coded and (b) the
same as the username. Yuk!


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