Re: Limit CPU number on ORACLE database??

  • From: "K Gopalakrishnan" <kaygopal@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: knecht.stefan@xxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 3 May 2006 23:06:44 -0700


cpu_count parameter does NOT limit the number of CPUs or CPU usage.
This parameter is used for couple of internal calculations (like
number of lru latches) and to divide the shared pool if it is bigger
than 250M.  cpu_count is derived from os calls. Not the one you
normally set in init.ora file.

On 5/3/06, Stefan Knecht <knecht.stefan@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
There is this parameter, CPU_COUNT that you *can* set. Although Oracle
doesn't recommend it be changed - does anyone have any practical experience
with it ?


On 5/4/06, Mark Brinsmead <pythianbrinsmead@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > Paul, > > Your question is one of laws and licenses, not technology. > > Only with "hardware partitioning", a feature that generally appears in only very high-end (and high-price) servers, are you able to (legally) license fewer CPUs than are physically installed in the server. If your server happens to be an IBM P520, for example, you can do what you describe. With most linux hardware, you cannot (yet). > > Note: you need to thoroughly understand the difference between "hardware partitioning" and "software partitioning" as Oracle defines it. The dividing line is quite hazy in places. > > -- > Cheers, > > -- Mark Brinsmead > Staff DBA, > The Pythian Group >

Best Regards,
K Gopalakrishnan
Co-Author: Oracle Wait Interface, Oracle Press 2004

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