RE: Large ASM installation

  • From: "Randy Johnson" <oraclelist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <daniel.fink@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "'oracle-l'" <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2010 14:02:06 -0500

Hi Daniel,
I've been using ASM for the past 5 years (since 10.2). I've had very good
experience with it on all sizes of databases ranging from multi gigabytes to
multi terabytes and I'm a big fan. I've read the posts by Rui and Mark and
they did a good job of calling out the pros/cons of ASM over file system
storage. Here's my $.02:

  - As you add disk space to ASM, data from all drives is rebalanced 
    evenly across the new drives. This provides consistent performance
    over time. That is, all spindles engaged to service IO requests.
    If you think about how storage is allocated for file 
    systems, your most current data is always on the more recently 
    added disks (or LUNs). Assuming most database IO is directed 
    at "current data" you can see how disks containing old data would
    lightly utilized while the newer LUN's would service a majority of 
    the IO.

  - Moving to ASM storage means you will have to use Recovery Manager
    for database backups. I'll qualify that statement by acknowledging
    that you can still use SAN features to split off copies of the 
    entire ASM diskgroups. Being forced to use Rman is not a bad thing.
    Rman is a very capable tool for handling your backup and recovery 
    needs. But if you are not using it currently your staff will need
    to learn it.

  - You should involve your system administrators in configuring the LUN's 
    for ASM one of the most common errors in an ASM environment is SA's
    reusing your ASM LUN's for file systems (thinking that since they 
    don't have a file system on them they arent being used).


-----Original Message-----
From: oracle-l-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:oracle-l-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Daniel W. Fink
Sent: Friday, October 22, 2010 9:10 AM
To: oracle-l
Subject: Large ASM installation

We have a customer that is looking at ASM to handle their databases, the
total planned is about 8TB for a single ASM instance. Has anyone on the list
worked on a large (5+TB) ASM system? What have been the pros and cons versus
a regular LVM and storage? If you had the chance to go back to the decision
time, would you make the same decision and why?

I'm not needing nitty gritty details right now, more of a high level
decision making view.

Daniel Fink


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