Re: J. Gennick's SQL Developer write up in Oracle Mag.

  • From: "Niall Litchfield" <niall.litchfield@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: norman.dunbar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 18:20:04 +0100

Hi Norman
On 4/26/06, Norman Dunbar <norman.dunbar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi Jonathan, I think you missed a couple of bits out of your article
> about the DBA with 15 minutes to get through the todo list :
> It's 11:45 and you need to be done by 12:00, so ...
> ... Startup SQL Developer on a PC with 256 MB RAM and a 2.6 Mhz PC.
> Word and Email client are already running as is Firefox and IE5.5, the
> help desk system and so on.

well there's a DBA who didn't 'accidentally' update the hardware
purchases database, honestly will you never learn. Obviously in your
case it's a UK govt agency and so there is no hardware budget - you'll
need to change the table name from hardware_outlay to eds_black_hole

> ... Wait for splash screen to load - it's now 11:47.
> ... It finally starts, hooray, it's 11:48 now.
> ... Need to create a new database connection, so try to pick one from
> the drop down - oops, Oracle Names is not supported, have to go manual.
> ... open a DOS box, it's now 11:49

DOS you see there's your problem right there

> ... tnsping the alias, need to write down host, port and
> SID/Service_name - can't find a pen, have to hunt the office to find
> one. Now it's 11:52.
> ... Write down host, sid and port.

again just proof that this isn't a real dba, everyone knows that
information plus the sys password for each and every db in the
organisation. Not your partner's birthday or your childrens names or
ages, clearly. It's a question of priorities.

> ... Create database connection using above data. Press TEST - get
> error., something Java-ish, it's 11:54.
> ... Try again, same result. Login to Metalink. It's now 12:11.

wah, wah oops. google before metalink. always.

> ... Aha, advanced search turns up "connections to databases less than
> are not supported". It's 12:12 now.
> ... As the database is, shut down SQL Developer. Try Raptor
> (the beta version) instead.
> ... It's 12:15 and still looking at the splash screen.
> ... At 12:16, kill Raptor. Fire up TOAD.
> ... At 12:20, job done, go for lunch, wife only slightly annoyed :o)

oops sign of real life, social integration and a sense of perspective.
nope clearly not a dba - possibly management, but then again

Niall Litchfield
Oracle DBA

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