Re: Is it possible in single query?

  • From: "Juan Cachito Reyes Pacheco" <jreyes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2004 15:34:26 -0400

I don't see any difference between both of them.
a insert select is enough.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: <jaysingh1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2004 2:12 PM
Subject: Is it possible in single query?

> Dear All,
> Table Data is like below
> UserID    RefDate
> -----    ------------- 
> U1        6/3/03 2:27
> U1        8/9/03 7:47
> U1        3/14/03 7:47
> U1        6/17/03 7:47
> U2        6/2/03 15:34
> U2        9/2/03 15:37
> U3        8/9/02 18:40
> U3        9/9/02 18:45
> U4        10/29/02 18:05
> U4        10/29/02 19:59
> U4        10/29/02 21:23
> I need fetch the above data and insert into another temporary reporting
> like below.
> Seq#    UserID    RefDate
> ----    -----    ------------- 
> 1    U1        6/3/03 2:27
> 2    U1        8/9/03 7:47
> 3    U1        3/14/03 7:47
> 4    U1        6/17/03 7:47
> 1    U2        6/2/03 15:34
> 2    U2        9/2/03 15:37
> 1    U3        8/9/02 18:40
> 2    U3        9/9/02 18:45
> 1    U4        10/29/02 18:05
> 2    U4        10/29/02 19:59
> 3    U4        10/29/02 21:23
> Any help would be really appreciated.
> Thanks
> Jay
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