RE: How to edit spfile ?/

  • From: MVE <mvetmp-ora@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Ron.Reidy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, oracledbam@xxxxxxxxxxx, ineyman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, tomday2@xxxxxxxxx, davidsharples@xxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 16:04:39 -0700 (PDT)

--- "Reidy, Ron" <Ron.Reidy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> No.  The spfile is binary.  On *nix, you can do this:
> $ strings spfileSID.ora > initSID.ora
> And then edit the init file using any text editor you would like.
> You might be able to use sed or possibly perl (reading and writing in
> binary mode).  However, I have never tried this, so you will need to
> test this out.

strings/sed works fine - I documented the process here:

I could copy/paste here but I get to pimp my Knowledge Base so why not :-)

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