Re: How best to get Oracle to divulge "proprietary information"

  • From: Nuno Souto <dbvision@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "Oracle" <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 4 Oct 2006 07:28:32 +0800

Quoting Tim Gorman <tim@xxxxxxxxx>:

> I'm sure that Oracle Legal goes ape on a regular basis on having *any* 
> bug text exposed on MetaLink.  They don't give a darn about the 
> advantages to customers trying to diagnose problems -- they are 
> concerned only with the liabilities involved and the resulting potential 
> financial exposure, and that exposure is considerable.  Think about it.

I've thought about it and I still can't see the problem.
It all depends on what is written on the bug text or
how the whole thing is organised so others can check
if there is a bug in a specific area.  

Confidentiality of bugs is not an argument to sustain 
inability to access that information. I couln't care less 
for example who the customer is: that info could be blocked 
from public eyes, while the rest of the text or a summary 
at least is available.  Plenty of ways to work around that 
problem.  Oracle's unwillingness in finding a solution to
let folks check bugs cannot be explained just by 
confidentiality issues.

> be in violation of federal law on that.  It's bad enough I just said 
> that on an open forum, and it is purely hypothetical and speculative, 
> but what if it is true?

I'd love to see the first lawsuit on this break the 
Oracle usage agreement: that's what it's there for.

> Think about that, and just be grateful that *any* of the bug texts are 
> exposed.  Personally, I work each day with the expectation that they 
> will disappear altogether.

Yeah, but bugs won't disappear, no matter how much we might
wish them gone.  Much better to tackle the problem in a fashion
that avoids everyone else hiting the same bug.  That is an
exposure as well, this time directly to Oracle: if I spring a bug
that Oracle knew about and didn't let me know after I asked,
I've got every right to hit back at Oracle for lost time...

Nuno Souto

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