Re: Help : session stuck with library cache

  • From: "Stefan Knecht" <knecht.stefan@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Bernard.Polarski@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2006 10:50:43 +0200

Hello Bernard

try setting event 10046 for the session in question - you should then be
able to see in the trace file what is really going on under the hood.


On 10/3/06, Polarski, Bernard <Bernard.Polarski@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I have a connection in perl stuck with latch free latch on 'library cache' latch# 106:

 Sid       SEQ# Event type                       waits  Time
waited          P1         P2         P3 State
----- ---------- ------------------------------ ------- -------------
---------- ---------- ---------- -----------------

   26       7823 latch free                           0             0
1.7199E+10        106          1 WAITING
   60      13128 db file sequential read              0
0         64     151890          1 WAITING
   25         38 SQL*Net message to client           -1             0
1650815232          1          0 WAITED SHORT TIME

Connected to:
Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
JServer Release - Production

SQL> select name from v$latchname where latch#=106 ;
library cache

Both SQL_HASH_VALUE and PREV_HASH_VALUE are filled in v$session :

SQL   Hash value Sql
---- -----------
Curr  4174678299 select to_char(hash_value) hv, to_char(piece) pi,
sql_text st from v$sqltext
                                  where hash_value=:hv order by piece

Prev  4174678299 select to_char(hash_value) hv, to_char(piece) pi,
sql_text st from v$sqltext
                                  where hash_value=:hv order by piece

In v$latchholder I got this :

SID   Latch Address Latch name
--- --------------- -----------
26 000000040123AB50 library cache:

I am a bit stuck, as I can't determine what's happening. The rest of the
DB is advancing. This is on a SAP system with lot of parsing.

Any idea where to search? I would like to determine why session is not
performing the above query or if this query is stuck somewhere.


*B. Polarski*
***Oracle DBA*

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