RE: Fwd: IOUG's Real World Performance Rock Stars Hit the Road Again

  • From: bill thater <shrekdba@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Tim Gorman <tim@xxxxxxxxx>, "oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2011 04:56:04 -0700

Too bad I can't travel so well since the stroke, this would be worth

Bill "shrek"Thater
sent from my phone

From: Tim Gorman
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2011 9:09 PM
To: oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Fwd: IOUG's Real World Performance Rock Stars Hit the Road
This is an amazing opportunity!

-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        IOUG's Real World Performance Rock Stars Hit the Road Again
Date:   Mon, 17 Oct 2011 13:25:00 -0500
From:   IOUG <ioug@xxxxxxxx>



  *IOUG's Real World Performance Rock Stars
  Hit the Road Again *




Upcoming Dates

      Following the international leg of their tour, the rock stars of
      Real World Performance are back and coming to a city near you!

      Performance engineering artists topping the bill for the Real
      World Performance tour ( * *
      <>) include:

Kansas City <>
*Denver <>*
*Boston <>*
*NYC/Newark <>*
Tom Kyte, author of the famed AskTom blog
Andrew Holdsworth, head of Oracle's Real World Performance Team
Graham Wood, legendary Oracle Database performance architect

Kyte, Holdsworth and Wood will jam about best practices for designing
hardware architectures, deploying Oracle databases, and developing
applications that deliver the fastest possible performance at these
one-day shows. This is an interactive training event featuring dueling
presentations and memorable debate. You'll leave this event with the
kind of in-depth technical know-how that will make you legendary in your

*rockstars <>*Preview the set

  * How application design can lead to poorly performing applications
  * Performance diagnosis
  * Database Time
  * Tools including AWR and EM
  * Best practices to enhance performance of the application
  * Test environment importance
  * Proper use of indexes
  * Understanding JOINs

Tour tickets feature all access lunch. You don't have to settle for
seats so far back you can't see or hear anything - you can be in the
best seat in the house and get VIP access to these Oracle celebrities.

Be a performance rock star - register today!

        **Here's what attendees from the first leg of the tour have to say:

"This Real World Performance workshop is perfect for me? I get to see 3
great speakers in a really intense deep-dive on the subject ? long
enough so I can actually think about the questions I'd like to ask.
  More of these, please!?
? Todd Barry, Database Architect, HP

?Great presentation! Really liked the three guys bouncing off each other.?
? Fran Koerner, DBA, DirecTV

*Jam Session | 9 a.m ? 5 p.m. | Lunch is included*

      Rock On! Learn More about *Real World Performance *

/Register at least 3 days prior to the event (no onsite bookings)/


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