Falconstor/IPStor with Clariion, EMC Timefinder with Symmetrix

  • From: "Carel-Jan Engel" <cjpengel.dbalert@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2004 10:11:49 +0100 (CET)

Hi list,

Does anyone know these products for HA-solutions? Especially, is it
possible/certified to snapshot databases without putting the database in
backup mode?

The idea behind it is that all datafiles (incl. control and online
redolog) are snapshotted in one single atomic action. The snapshot is
stored at a local mirror, and asynchronously transferred to the DR-site.
Failover can be performed by starting and (auto)recovering the database at
the DR site. Because all files were copied in the state they were in one
point in time, starting the database at the remote site should be the same
as starting a database after a power failure.

I'm not interested in all kinds of other HA solutions, the site I'm
currently working for has implemented these solutions, but needs
verification. It's hard to get commitment from the vendors that their
products are certified for Oracle, although they advised and sold the
solution :-(.

Thanks, Carel-Jan

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