Re: Deleting children, grandchildren, etc.

  • From: "Sandeep Dubey" <dubey.sandeep@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: norman.dunbar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 4 Oct 2006 11:29:43 -0400


Another way can be- disable the constraint, get the list of all
company_id that are childen/grand_children using connect by, delete
those company_id and enable back the constraint.


On 10/4/06, Norman Dunbar <norman.dunbar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Sandra,

looks unfortunately like you are going to have to drop and recreate
your constraints to add the ON DELETE CASCADE. I've needed to do this
myself in the past and could get any of the ALTER TABLE xxx MODIFY
CONSTRAINT yyy ... clauses to help. :o(

Cheers, Norman.

Norman Dunbar. Contract Oracle DBA. Rivers House, Leeds.

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