DBD::Oracle and Pythian Remote DBA

  • From: Mladen Gogala <gogala@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: oracle-l <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 03 May 2006 00:24:53 -0400

Pythian group has recently taken over the maintenance of DBD::Oracle,
the principal means of connecting to Oracle from Perl. This driver has
some weak points and shortcomings which are severely restricting its use
and drastically decreasing its usefulness. I consider those shortcoming 
to be the following:

1) Lack of support for array interface.
2) Lack of support for direct loading.
3) Inability to map collective types (VARRAY and PL/SQL tables) and, 
   therefore, to support bulk selects.
4) Lack of support for transparent application fail-over.

As I've said before, Pythian Group took over maintenance. I have one question:

Do you plan to address any of those weaknesses and if you do, can you give any 
timetable? There are many interesting articles on your website, but none about
DBD::Oracle. I've already asked that question, but received no response. Please,
can you be so kind and inform poor users like me about the future of 

Mladen Gogala


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