Re: CREATE DATABASE LINK privilege discussion

  • From: Bill Ferguson <wbfergus@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: ChrisDavid.Taylor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2011 06:47:53 -0600

Maybe another approach may be this:

Find a few articles, etc., that talk about the database security
threats. Find other articles that discuss database links, and
specifically how 'some' db links have the id and password associated
with them. Because of this, in government work, we are highly
discouraged from using them, but if needed, we are still allowed to
use them with proper documentation about understanding the security
risks, taking responsibility for ensuring periodic password changing
(and then of course, any associated code that may break because of the
new password, etc.).

Allow it, but make it a pain in the rear end, and get them to sign
paperwork (CYA), so if anything negative happens, they have been fully
informed and any consequences can be laid directly on them.

-- Bill Ferguson

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