Re: Backup and Recovery advice needed

  • From: Christoph <cruepprich@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Gus Spier <gus.spier@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 30 Dec 2010 10:26:22 -0600

thanks for the info. The tablespaces cannot be in read only mode because the
reporting application needs to have some write access.


On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 10:18 AM, Gus Spier <gus.spier@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> If the database is truly for reporting, that is, no rows will be changed,
> then I recommend:
> - Load your data
> - Alter the tablespace "READ ONLY"
> - Perform an "increment 0" RMAN backup
> Take normal precautions with your backups and hope you never need to
> restore and recover.
> If you ever need to recover your database, it will go much more quickly.
> Tablespaces that are marked read-only will not, by definition need redo
> applied. (How I wish I'd thought of that before I needed it!)
> v/r,
> Gus
> On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 11:01 AM, Christoph <cruepprich@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have a database which is used for reporting on multiple customers. Data
>> for each customer is provided on a monthly basis. Each montly dataset is
>> stored in its own tablespace.
>> For example, customer A's data for Jan, Feb, Mar resides in three separate
>> tablespaces:
>> tblspc_a_2010_01
>> tblspc_a_2010_02
>> tblspc_a_2010_03
>> The same is true for all other customers:
>> tblspc_x_2010_01
>> tblspc_x_2010_02
>> tblspc_x_2010_03
>> etc.
>> I care to only retain three months worth of data. With this way of
>> organizing the data, I can simply drop the tablespaces and datafiles I no
>> longer need, thus preserving storage space.
>> Now I'm trying to find the best backup & recovery method for this
>> scenario.
>> I thought about simply doing incremental RMAN backups. But since I'm only
>> retaining three months worth of data, I think this may be overkill.
>> Instead I'm thinking about using RMAN to make a compressed backup of each
>> new tablespace as the data arrives, so that in case I need to recover, I can
>> pick and choose which tablespaces to recover (I may choose to only recover
>> the last month instead of the last three months). I also want to be able to
>> restore & recover tablespaces to a new database.
>> I would like some ideas and suggestions on the best way to go about this.
>> Thanks,
>> Christoph
>> --
>> "Men do not quit playing because they grow old; they grow old because they
>> quit playing."
>> - Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes

"Men do not quit playing because they grow old; they grow old because they
quit playing."
- Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes

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