Another 11g enigma

  • From: Maureen English <maureen.english@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2011 11:03:56 -0800

For those of you who may be a bit bored today....

We clone our production database to another database about 3 times a year.
We have a script that we've used for many years, starting with 8i databases.
The script has been modified over the years to accommodate changes with the

Basically, we just copy the datafiles and log files to the new location,
rename them because they all contain the database SID in their name, create
a new parameter file and control files and voila, we have a copy of the
database.  We then go in and modify certain bits of data and passwords so
that users can access the application.

I recently found a problem with our method.  There are tables in the database
with information that is SID specific.  Information like DATA_PUMP_DIR isn't
a big issue because we change that.  Information in V$DIAG_INFO is correct for
the cloned database.  However, even though some information, like log rolls,
is written to the text version of the alert log, other information, like alter
database commands, is not written to the text version of the alert log.  The
xml version of the alert log has everything in it and looks fine when viewed
with adrci.

When we execute alter database commands, we get trace files generated with the
information that would normally go to the trace file, as well as messages
that it can't write to the text version of the alert log:

** DBGRL Error: Text Alert Log
** DBGRL Error: SLERC_OERC, 48934
** DBGRL Error:

It looks like there is some value in the database that isn't quite right, but 
having a hard time finding it....

> oerr ora 48934
48934, 00000, "invalid input for the file name identifier"
// *Cause: An invalid input was given for the file name indentifier. The // file name is not allowed to have slashes ('\', '/') and is not
//         allowed to refer to the parent directory using the '..' characters.
// *Action: Check the file name and provide a valid input.

I do have a ticket in with Oracle, and this doesn't seem like an emergency, but
it sure is confusing....

- Maureen


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